CACI Forum: Internal Political Dynamics in the South Caucasus

Tuesday 19 March 2019 / 12:00 - 14:00 / Light Lunch will be served at noon, the program starts at 12:30
Washington DC Middle East Institute. 1319 18th St NW, 20036 Washington DC. Click here for a map
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Developments in Central Asia have been the focus of attention in the past few years, while the international politics of the Caucasus have shown less dynamism. Yet important transformations have taken place in the domestic politics of each South Caucasus nation. The Velvet Revolution in Armenia, now in a process of consolidation, is only the most obvious change. In Georgia, a highly contested presidential election indicated shifts in the faultlines of Georgian politics. And following President Aliyev’s re-election, a major government reshuffle brought a younger generation to positions of power in Azerbaijan. Our speakers will discuss these new realities and their potential implications on the region and beyond.