Brown Bag Lunch: Sino-Nordic relations

Wednesday 7 September 2016 / 12:00 - 13:00 /
Nacka ISDP. Västra Finnbodav. 2, 13130 Nacka. Click here for a map
On Wednesday, September 7th, ISDP will hold a brown bag lunch to discuss a draft report on Sino-Nordic Relations. This project seeks to review and build upon China’s relationship with the five Nordic Countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), whereby the Nordics are analyzed both as separate states and as a socio-political block. The objective is to develop an advisory document which Chinese and Nordic policymakers can use to address shortcomings in the relationship today, and better understand the potential opportunities of closer engagement. The report gives an ideal opportunity to address concerns and propose solutions to virtually any aspect of the Sino-Nordic relations.